On March 5, 2022, Ukrainian Foundation members Andrey Shulik and Dima Yaremenko organized an I-205 Bridge Ukraine Rally to raise awareness about the WAR that the kremlin regime brought to the geographical center of Europe, Ukraine. Anyone can be a part of this rally and join the event every Saturday on the pedestrian/bike route over […]
oin us in reflecting on the 10 years since Crimea’s occupation and the 2 years since the invasion of Ukraine, with Ukrainian Foundation Advisory Board member Tatiana Terdal. No registration is required for this event. More information regarding the event and Tatiana can be found here: https://camaspl.librarycalendar.com/event/ukraine-unbroken-4464?fbclid=IwAR0zHJIW24SyPK4BOulthlQuvBmxOYE_gGFo_E-di_AgyIAI9cjf_AZw__Y